Get Up & Go!
Last week, First Lady Michele Obama picked a new project: she's started a national initiative to fight childhood obesity. The goals are the usual two: 1) better diet, and 2) more exercise. "Let's Move" will be backed up with up to $1B in federal funding, and a national task force to deal with the problem. Among other things, it will pay for new sports clinics, new community playgrounds and bike paths, new public service announcements, and a new website (see the "letsmove" link, below).
If that sounds exorbitant, it may not be. The medical costs related to obesity in this country are estimated at around $150B a year, roughly half of that covered by Medicare or Medicaid. More than 1 in 10 children in the U.S. is now "obese," and the rates are going up (see the "Play Time" blog, below). The First Lady's initiative is a preemptive strike.
It's one every parent should take. Spring is just around the corner: it's time to start eating more local fruits and vegetables, and to get out and play--or work. Tell your son or daughter to go fly a kite, ride a bike, mow the lawn or take out the trash. They'll be so glad you did.